
Child Assessment in Spokane for Children with Challenges
from Washington State (WA) and Idaho (ID)

Why Have a Child Assessment in Spokane?

A child assessment is an evaluation of your child, and their environment when possible.  It provides more information on specific concerns or needs you may have, such as:

What Will a Child Assessment Tell Me?

Having a child with challenges is confusing.  What are the key problems?  Where do we start?  The Spokane child assessment aims to bring as much clarity to your current situation as possible, typically addressing questions such as:

What Is Included In a Child Assessment?

A child assessment in Spokane typically includes review of your child’s health history (provided by you on intake forms); information from other healthcare providers; diagnosis if any; your report of your child’s current behaviors, parent concerns, and parent goals; and teacher input, if appropriate.

A child evaluation or child observation of your child is typically also included, at the Year For Change office or your child’s Spokane, WA home or school.

What Happens Next?

After the assessment, the therapist and parents meet at the Year For Change office to discuss the results, impressions of your child, and recommendations.  This meeting may include the child, if older.  You then decide your next steps.

You are never under any obligation to proceed with Year For Change therapy or any therapy, and can always “opt out” at any time.  If you decide to proceed with therapy, we’ll formulate a short treatment plan together that works for your family.  Your resources, time, wishes, and goals for your child are all respected in developing a treatment plan.  You and your child’s school choose whether the school will also be involved. 

Then your child and family begin treatment/therapy, and you’re on your way! 

Click here to learn more about Treatment/Therapy.

Need more help?  Call  (509) 448-1506 or Click to Email 

Deborah Skalabrin, MSW, LICSW

701 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 15
Spokane, WA  99204
(509) 448-1506 - Phone
(509) 624-7500 - FAX

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